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Heartfelt Homespace
Interior Design & feng shui
Feng Shui

Through Feng Shui, we integrate your energetic intentions for your life into your home. This is the ancient art of amplifying the energy surrounding your life.
Your home and your personal energy are reflective of one another. Feng Shui is a practice that helps to align the flow of energy within your home. As a result, the universal life force energy within you expands to help you embody your intentions.

Next Steps
I will guide you step-by-step through our virtual Feng Shui experience.
Click here to schedule your appointment. Upon receipt of your paid scheduling invoice, I will send you a package so that we can begin to align your space & energy.

The Result
Home Analysis
Once all of the necessary documentation is received, Erin will begin the assessment of your home focusing on the areas you specify are the most important in your life at this time. You will receive summary with recommendations on how to improve upon the specific areas you mentioned as well as the areas Erin has energetically sensed need the most attention. (Wink Wink: The area in your home that may need the most attention could possibly be the area in your life in which you need to do the most work).
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