We've all heard the horror stories about construction projects gone wrong. Most of the time, the contractors are the people blamed. They're blamed when the project takes longer than anticipated or when something doesn't go just right. I'm here to tell you, the more you plan in advance, the less problems there are. This isn't to say things won't go wrong. Things will go wrong. We are all human. Whether something was ordered incorrectly or shipped wrong or came in damaged, things will happen and we have to be able to flex and go with the flow. I say it all the time to people, the more relaxed you are about the project, usually the better it goes. I sure can be one to try to control everything in life and have learned to loosen the reigns just a bit and things flow more effortlessly.

How can you plan best? First, you need to have ALL of the selections finalized and items ordered prior to demolition day! I know it can be hard to wait, but trust me, you'll want to wait until all the ducks are in a row before you dive in. Delays for materials can cause extra weeks of your space being torn apart with NOTHING happening. Now how frustrating is that?

When selecting a contractor to do to the work, be sure it's someone you LIKE. Be sure it is someone you trust and be sure it's someone who doesn't have a bad attitude. They're bringing their energy into your home. We've all walked into a room where someone was in a bad mood and felt it. This is something you do NOT want entering your home. I personally, like when there are fewer people working on my projects so that we have less outside energy to clear later. I wouldn't want someone in my house who was unhappy working because their work won't look as nice either. It is SO important to be sure you talk with your contractor and are 100% comfortable when signing that contract.
Then, figure out a new way to operate while you're under construction. Make that plan. Is your kitchen getting remodeled? Set up a make shift kitchen in your dining room, basement or even garage if it's warm out. If you're doing a basement remodel, is there a good way to block off this portion of the house so you're not tracking the construction debris into the rest of the house? Maybe that means you're using the front door for a bit.

Lastly, take a breath, remember this is a temporary MESS and it'll be so worth it in the end. Envision the beautiful space you're creating and be patient.
If you're ready to take this wild ride and remodel a space in your home, I'd love to help. Please reach out to schedule a chat here: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=19254865